Student Data View

Learn how to view specific student data as well as give extensions, forgive lateness, and override grades.

Introduction to Student Data View

The student data view will display metrics for a student’s overall performance, as well as specific information about their assignments. 
To access the student data view, search for the student's name in the top right search bar and select it.
Furthermore, clicking on a student's name on any data screen allows you to access their student data view.
To switch to viewing data for a different student, click on the current student's name to open a drop-down menu of all students, then select a different student.

Student Page Icons and Metrics

The top of each student page shows metrics for the student’s overall performance:


Total Problems - Total number of questions answered

Total Correct - Number of questions answered correctly

Percent - Average grade percentage for all assignments

Video Plays PLUS|INTEGRAL - Number of videos the student has watched

Time Watched PLUS|INTEGRAL - Total time the student has spent watching videos

The    icon will refresh the student’s data to show the most up-to-date information.
The    icon will expand all assignments so you can see detailed data for each one. Click the     icon again to collapse all assignments.


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Sign In as a Student

You can sign in as a student by selecting the  icon next to the student's login information.

When you sign in as a student, you will log in to their account.


Note: The student will receive credit for any work you complete while signed into their account.

Click “Back to Teacher Account” to exit the student’s account and return to your own teacher account.
Note: Signing in as a student will log you into a specific student's account. For more information on how to view a general sample student account for one of your classes, click here.

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View Student Responses

Click the icon next to any assignment to see the expanded data view.

The expanded view shows you student performance on that assignment:


- Indicates the student answered the question correctly

- Indicates the student answered the question incorrectly

- PLUS|INTEGRAL Indicates the student watched a help video

- Indicates the current question the student is working on for that section

You can hover over the , , and icons to view how long the student spent solving the question or watching the help video.

Click the or icons to see the exact question the student was given, the correct answer, and the student's answer. 


You will also see a timestamp of when the question was completed. If students are allowed multiple attempts, you will see each attempt listed.

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Adjust Student Grades

You can adjust student grades for an assignment by clicking on their score per skill.
Once you click the score, you will be given the option to change the grade and click “save."
After you click “save,” the score will be updated for the skill and the grade for the assignment will automatically update.

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Forgive Lateness

If the grade percentage and completion percentage do not match, it is either due to accuracy or lateness. You can hover over the % in the grade column for more information.

For example, when the teacher hovers over an 80% grade, they are informed that the grade reflects accuracy and not lateness.


Note: The accuracy rate can differ from the completion percentage if the assignment is a test or if the assignment contains:

  • Teacher-created questions
  • “Assign THIS problem” questions
  • Questions with “Max problems” set to something other than unlimited

For more information, click here.

In the example shown to the right, when the teacher hovers over an 80% grade, they are informed that the grade reflects lateness.
When you click on the grade, you are given the option to forgive lateness. If you wish to do so, click “forgive lateness."

Once you forgive lateness, the grade will update automatically.


⚠️ Caution: This action cannot be undone.


Sometimes, late grades are indicated with an arrow. The arrows for lateness only appear on assignments that contain one of the following:

  • Teacher-created questions
  • “Assign THIS problem” questions
  • Questions that use “Max problems” set to something other than unlimited

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Give Additional Time PLUS | INTEGRAL

If you are giving a timed assignment or test, you have the option to give an individual student additional time. This option will only appear once the original time has run out. 
Once you select “give additional time,” you will see more options. You can choose to add “Same as original time limit,” or you can select the drop-down menu to choose an exact amount of time to add.
Note: Giving a student additional time will not extend the due date. To see how to give a student an extension on their due date, read the Give an Extension section below.

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Add Max Problems PLUS | INTEGRAL

If you've limited a student's maximum number of problems on a given skill, you will also have the option to increase the max problems.


Hover over the icon to see the option to increase max problems.

Click the icon and type in how many additional problems you would like to provide to your student. Be sure to click “save."

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Give an Extension PLUS | INTEGRAL 

Next to the due date for each assignment is a icon, which allows you to give an extension to a particular student.
Click the icon to see more options. You can choose the days and/or hours of the extension for the student. Be sure to click “save."
Note: The extension is from the original due date, which is listed in the table. It does not affect late dates.

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Reset the Assignment

You have the option to reset an assignment for a student by clicking “reset assignment." This will clear all data for the student.

⚠️ Caution: This action cannot be undone. You will no longer have access to the previous data. 

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