Copy Assignments

Learn how to copy assignments from yourself, from previous terms or from other teachers.

Copy Assignments                            

Copying an assignment creates a duplicate that you can then edit.

⚠️ Note: Edits made to a copied assignment will not affect the original assignment.

If you want different sections of your Schoology course to have the same assignment, where edits affect all sections the assignment is linked to, click here to learn how to make a linked assignment.

When using the external tool to create an assignment in Schoology, one of the options you will see is “Copy assignment."
You can copy assignments from yourself or another teacher, whether from this term or past terms.

In the “Select Teacher” drop-down, you can choose the teacher you would like to copy from.


To copy from another teacher, select “Add new teacher."

You'll then be prompted to select the teacher whose account you want to copy from. New teachers can be added by inputting their teacher codes, which can be found by navigating to TOOLS → LOGIN/SCHOOL INFORMATION.
The “Select Term” drop-down will allow you to copy assignments from the current term or from past or archived terms.
You can further filter the assignments you see by class period, type of assignment, and folder.
Once you've chosen an assignment to copy, click “copy.” This action duplicates the assignment into your account, allowing you to make edits without affecting the original assignment. 
Note: You can only copy one assignment at a time. When copying an assignment, all settings from the original assignment will carry over with a few exceptions: classes assigned, post-assignment, and due date. Your defaults will not override the assignment you have copied.

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Sharing Settings

Your sharing settings allow you to choose who can copy assignments from you.

From within Copy assignments, click "Sharing Settings."

There are three options for sharing settings:   

No other teacher - This ensures that no other teacher can copy your assignments.

Anyone with my teacher code - Anyone who knows your teacher code and has a teacher account can copy your assignments.

Specific teachers - You can specify which teachers can copy from you.

If you select “specific teachers,” you can enter a comma-separated list of teacher codes.
Note: Regardless of sharing settings, student data is never public or shared with other teachers; only assignments are shared.

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