Copy Create Your Own Problems

Learn how to copy create your own problems.

Copy Create Your Own Problems

Create your own problems, also known as teacher-created questions, can be easily copied from within an assignment or copied from one assignment to another. You can copy teacher-created questions from yourself or from other teachers. 

Within the Same Assignment

If you have an assignment, test, or test correction that contains a teacher-created question, you can make a copy of the question within the same assignment.


Here is an example of a teacher-created question that exists in an assignment.

To copy the question, navigate to the “Skills” tab. Click the icon next to your question.
Once selected, a copy of your teacher-created question will be created directly below the original question.
You can choose to edit the copied question by clicking the “create / edit problem” button. This will take you to the editing screen, where you will see the exact original question that you copied.
You can then make any edits needed to the question.

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From a Different Assignment

When creating an assignment, test, or test correction, click the    icon next to “Create Your Own Problem."

Once you click the icon, you will be able to find assignments that have teacher-created questions. Adjust the following settings:


Select Teacher - Choose the teacher whose teacher-created question(s) you want to copy.

Select Term - Determine whether this question is from the current term or a past term.

Sharing Settings - Ensure that sharing settings allow others to copy.


You can then filter the assignments shown by the associated class, assignment type, and folders. 

For more information about sharing settings and selecting other teachers, click here.

Once you've chosen the correct teacher and term, a list of assignments containing teacher-created questions will appear. 

You can select the icon to expand the assignment and view the teacher-created questions.
After expanding the assignments, select the question(s) you want to copy by clicking the checkboxes. Then, click “Copy Questions to Assignment.”
The selected question(s) will then appear in the skills tab. You can now edit the question(s) in your assignment without affecting the original assignment.
Note: We recommend naming your teacher-created questions in a way that you can easily find and identify them in the future.

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