Class Settings

Learn how to customize different class settings.

Introduction to Class Settings

DeltaMath class settings offer several options, but the exact features visible on this screen may vary depending on your license and integrations.

Lock Registration

Locking registration for your class prevents new students from registering, even if they have the class code or link. To do this, click the grayed-out icon. It will turn black and change to , indicating that registration is now closed. You can toggle between unlocked and locked as needed.

Note: If a student tries to register for the class, they will receive a message that their teacher has locked registration.

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Archive Classes                                         

Archiving a class saves all data and assignments into a past term. The class will no longer be visible in your current view. Click “archive” next to a class name to archive that class.

After selecting a class to archive, choose a term: either select an existing term or create a new one by selecting "Make new term to store class" and entering a name.
You can also choose to "Create a new class with the same students," which automatically re-registers students for the new class. This is a great option if you are archiving mid-year.
Additionally, when creating a new class with the same students, you can choose to “Carry over some assignments to new class.” This feature allows you to select specific assignments to retain in the current grading period while archiving all other assignments.
Once you have made your selections, click “Archive Now.” 

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View Past Terms

Click on “View Past Terms/Unarchive Classes” below your classes. 
To view data from past terms, first select “View Past Terms” from the top drop-down menu, then choose the term you want to see data for, and finally click “View.”
From there, you can view the assignments and data from the archived term. To return to current content, click “Back to Current Term.”

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Unarchive Classes                                       

Click on “View Past Terms/Unarchive Classes” below your classes. 
To unarchive a class, select “Unarchive Class" from the first drop-down menu.
Then, choose the correct term and class you would like to unarchive.
Finally, click “UNARCHIVE.” You should now see your class name and data return under the “Manage Students and Classes” page.

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Disable the Calculator

You can disable the DeltaMath calculator for specific classes by clicking the icon underneath your classes. This action only needs to be done once.
A    icon should appear in a new column for every class in the table above. Click on the    icon to enable or disable the student calculator. A grayed-out   icon indicates the calculator is disabled, while a black icon indicates it is enabled.
Note: This can be done on a class-by-class basis, not for individual assignments. Otherwise, a student could simply visit another assignment to have calculator access. For instance, if you only want to turn off the calculator for tests, you should toggle it off at the class level before each test. After the test, you would toggle it back on.

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Manage Coteachers PLUS | INTEGRAL              

Coteachers allow multiple teachers to access the same class with equal permissions in DeltaMath.
To add coteachers to a class, click “manage” underneath the “Coteachers” column.
You will be prompted to invite your coteachers via email. Type in the email addresses of your coteachers and click “send invite.”
Next, have your coteachers log in to their DeltaMath teacher accounts and click “Accept Invite.” Once they accept, they will be officially added.
You can remove yourself from a class by clicking the “remove self” button, or you can remove a coteacher by clicking the "remove" button next to their name.
Note: To use our coteacher feature, both teachers must have a DeltaMath PLUS or INTEGRAL license. If an error message appears when inviting a coteacher, please check that you have the correct email address for your coteacher's DeltaMath account, and that your coteacher has a PLUS or INTEGRAL license.

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