Teacher Account Information

Learn how to update your teacher account information.

Login Information and Teacher Code

At the top of the screen, you will see your name, login information, and teacher code. Click the “edit” button to change your name or email address, and be sure to click the “save” button after your changes have been made. Your teacher code is associated with your account and cannot be changed.

Note: If you are not able to log into your account to change your email address, please reach out to us at support@deltamath.com.

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Require Student ID and Email

Choose to require students to provide an ID, email address, or both to register. If you select "No" for “Require Student Email,” students can instead choose a unique username.

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Edit School Information

Click “Edit” to update the school your account is associated with.

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Edit Timezone and Class Groupings

To edit your class information, click “Edit."
From there, a drop-down menu will appear to update your timezone.

Class groupings allow you to change how you refer to your DeltaMath classes, such as by period, class, section, or a custom name.


The setting you select determines how your classes are listed on the “Manage Students and Classes” page.

Click “Save.”

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