Content Overview

Learn how to explore the math content in DeltaMath.

Content Overview

DeltaMath has 1900+ skills that cover mathematics content from 6th-12th grade. Our content includes a variety of interactive features and student response types which enable teachers to effectively scaffold and differentiate concepts to meet the needs of all students.

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Types of Skills

Standard Skill

In a standard skill, students enter a text response. This could include a numerical value, expression, equation, etc. The answer will be marked as either correct or incorrect.


Guided Skill

In a guided skill, students are given prompts to guide them through the content and build conceptual understanding. Typically, there are multiple steps to complete, and if a student submits an incorrect intermediate step, a “notice” will appear with a hint about what to do next.


Graphing Skills

In a graphing skill, students can interactively plot points, graph lines, shade inequalities, create and manipulate geometric figures, and so much more.


Timed Skills

In a timed skill, students improve fluency by practicing their accuracy against a timer. These skills can consist of foundational skills, such as multiplying and dividing integers, or more complex skills, such as the composition of functions.


Discovery Skills

In a discovery skill, students can discover and observe how different algebraic transformations visually affect geometric figures and graphs. 


Geometric Proofs

In a geometric proof, students complete a step-by-step proof. They might be asked to type in text response boxes to provide statements, or justify their statements using drop-down menus for their reasons. 


Geometric Construction

In geometric constructions, students use an interactive straightedge and compass to perform Euclidean constructions, from segment and angle bisectors to inscribed hexagons. 


So much more!

You can use the various search features (described below) to find the content that will best meet your students' needs.

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Search by Topic

The default view of your DeltaMath teacher homepage shows our content sorted by Year/Topic.
Use the “Year” drop-down menu to filter the content by grade level. Select which grade level(s) you would like to view by checking or unchecking any number of grades from the list.
You can further filter by typing a key word in the “Search” box. This will show you any content we have with that key word in the skill title, organized by year and topic, for the grades you have selected. 
Note: Our search feature is very precise. To see the most results, try searching for root words and avoid using prefixes and suffixes in your search terms. For example, search for "factor" instead of "factoring."

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Search by Standard PLUS | INTEGRAL 

Content can also be sorted by state standard (50 states, DC, and Canada). Select the “Sort By” drop-down menu and choose “Standards.”
Next, use the “State/Province” and “Course” drop-downs to refine your search.

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Recently Added

We are continuously creating new content for our teachers. To see our most recent content, select the “Sort By” drop-down menu and choose “Recently Added.”
You will see a list of recently-created skills by date. We are constantly working to add additional content pieces, so be on the lookout!

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Skill Information

Select the icon next to any skill to see relevant use statistics. The data displayed is based on every problem solved within that skill, all time.

Average time to solve - The average time it takes a student to answer a question in this skill.

Accuracy - The historical accuracy rate of every question answered in this skill. In the example above, 12,774,168 questions have been answered correctly out of 15,840,917 total, an accuracy rate of 80.6%.

Easiest Problem - The historical accuracy rate of the “easiest” question in this skill. For the example above, the “easiest” question has an accuracy rate of about 90%.

Median Problem - The historical accuracy rate of the “median” question in this skill. For the example above, the “median” question has an accuracy rate of about 82%.

Hardest Problem - The historical accuracy rate of the “hardest” question in this skill. For the example above, the “hardest” question has an accuracy rate of about 66%.

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